
How to Study


Learning how to study is one of the best things you can do for your relationship with God. It takes some practice, but it’s worth it.


Step 1: Observe

First, be an excellent observer. Realize that a surface reading just isn’t going to tell you everything you need to know. Take notes on the text with colors and symbols to help you see patterns you didn’t know were there. Learn to ask good questions about the text and how to find the answers. Observing is discovering what the text says.

Step 2: Interpret

Second, interpret the text in its original context. So many mistakes are made simply because we don’t think about who the book or letter was written for, who was the author, or what was happening at that time in history. Interpreting is finding out what the text means.

Step 3: Apply

Third, apply what you’ve learned. This is about taking what you’ve observed and interpreted and making sure you’re taking the right kind of action on it. Did you learn something new about God and how He wants you to live in order to glorify Him? Great, now do it! This is the next step because God’s Word has the power to change us if we’re willing. Applying is living out God’s Word.

Step 4: Share

Lastly, you can know definitively if you've internalized the message of a text if you can share it effectively with someone else. This step is often overlooked but is an essential conclusion to your study. Studying to share is vastly different than studying to digest. God desires His disciples to make disciples. Sharing and teaching are natural outcomes of the joyfulness of God's Word changing our hearts.


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